Thursday, February 16, 2012

How can I explain to my dad that a honda crf 50 isnt too small?

Im 13, 115 pounds, and want a honda crf 50, because thats what all my friends ride and they're highly upgradable. My dad doesn't think its big enough for me, and he thinks that a 100cc is too much money. Im stuck. Please help me explainHow can I explain to my dad that a honda crf 50 isnt too small?Maybe you just need to explain the world of pit bikes to him. Find some links to pit bike racing and show him that top racers even own, ride and race CRF50's. The BBR site has some good info.How can I explain to my dad that a honda crf 50 isnt too small?
WHATEVER you do DONT get a pit bike..... Honda 50's are the only thing that will stay in one piece, get a klx/drz 110 if you want it bigger DONT GET A KNOCK off you will regret it it breaks and its very hard and expensive to replace the parts on it

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How can I explain to my dad that a honda crf 50 isnt too small?Run him over with one, see if he thinks it was too small then.How can I explain to my dad that a honda crf 50 isnt too small?
My 14 y/o rides one....But there is a way...hummm

They make a 125 pit-bike about the same size....also I think they make a 80cc too....... know Dad..I think your right..I need the 125....

Do a search on craigslist for a good used one and your in like flinn... can ride with your bud's if they can catch you....How can I explain to my dad that a honda crf 50 isnt too small?Tell him that its the same size as a pit bike and that grown men ride pit bikes for fun all the time and have no trouble with them being too small

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