Monday, February 13, 2012

How much would it cost to make my Honda Civic black instead of silver?

Its a 2001 Honda Civic and its basically brand new looking, and its silver. I recently got it from my brother and I am not feeling the silver..

I figure getting it a paint job to make it black would be cheaper than a more "exotic" color like turquoise or something interesting.

Anyways, how much would that cost?How much would it cost to make my Honda Civic black instead of silver?well i have black, love the look but its impossible to keep clean, i'd totally take silver, so much easier to keep up with plus black gets super hot in the summer. but anyway, you can get a macco job for like 200 dollars but they do a crappy job and dont last long, you would save a nice sum of money if you prepare the area yourself and just have someone spray it for you. i dont really think color would make enough of a price difference to persuade you to a different color, its mainly quality you're paying for, if you plan to keep this car awhile i'd either wait and save up for a good paint job, especially since your paint it fine, or if you're not wanting to keep it forever just get a 1000 job that'll last a few years. Honestly if it were me i'd stick with silver, since 1 its in good shape and 2 its very easy to care for. then if you ever get in a little fender bender when you're going to be getting body work done and an insurance check go ahead and paint it then.How much would it cost to make my Honda Civic black instead of silver?It depends on how much you want to spend. Black is actually a harder color to paint a car since any little imperfection is going to show up. You can go to maaco and get a paint job for a few hundred or you can go to a good body shop and drop 10k on a great show-quality job. How much would it cost to make my Honda Civic black instead of silver?black is one of the more costly colors...body must be perfect..and changing colors cost more to paint door james and under hood and in trunk... 1000 for a crappy job...2500+ for a good one..5000 for a very good one 7500+ for a great one..

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