Monday, February 13, 2012

Where can I buy a new Piston for Honda Activa?

I need a new piston for my Honda Aciva. The piston details is 13102-kph-900-piston-Co.25. I need this or at-least a cylinder kit 01210-kph-900-piston-Cylinderkit. I searched in many authorized service centers in Kerala and banglore. But they all told there is no stock. Can some one tell me where I can get this? Like the actual factory where its being produced or anything like that.Where can I buy a new Piston for Honda Activa?wait you will get it soon try some big city metro city for more parts i dont think factory will directly provide you the piston wait and hope to get it soonWhere can I buy a new Piston for Honda Activa?get into Honda service center , ask for piston he will guide u . but never ever go to any local , low ended shops , they may cheat u .

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