fuses do not just blow. A fusues is a protecter so you will not brun out parts or start a fire. If a fuse blows there is a short and replacing the fuse will only cause the new one to blow. 2003 accords had underhood fuse boxes that go bad i was a honda tech for 5 years and had my own shop for 4 yrs
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Why would the AC stop blowing in a 2003 Honda Accord?hey guys, i had the same problem, as andrea. i researched it online in lots of forums. it is the power transistor. it is located at the passenger side firewall. 1st. take panel under glovebox down, look toward firewall to left. it has 2 screws %26amp; 4 wire plug. unscrew %26amp; unplug, replace part %26amp; test.Report Abuse
Why would the AC stop blowing in a 2003 Honda Accord?Good thinking about the mechanic. Too many of them just throw parts at the problem hoping to fix it.
Have you checked to see if a fuse has blown? I don't know where the fuse box is in an Accord; under the dash, probably. See your owners manual for the AC fuse location.
Beyond that its hard to say. Perhaps the blower motor died. Could be an electrical issue. Does the rest of your HVAC system work (heat, defroster, etc)?
Take it to another mechanic, for sure and get a 2nd opinion.
Good luck.Why would the AC stop blowing in a 2003 Honda Accord?did you check the fuse box. your right it don't make sense to buy a part. if you don't know what is wrong.
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